Join the Chevalier Family on the First Friday of the Month in prayer and action for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. STEP 8:
JPIC Bulletin May 2022
Right click the link to open (in a new tab), to read, to save or print (in pdf format). Eng – JPIC Bulletin May 2022 Fr – JPIC Bulletin May 2022
Zoom Sessions/ Sessions Zoom
Zoom sessions /Sessions Zoom One good thing we learned during the pandemic is how to participate in and organize Videoconferences via Zoom. Before 2020 most of us had never even heard of Zoom. In 2020,[…]
Modification de la liste des déléguées/Change in the List of Delegates.
Le report du Chapitre a eu de nombreuses conséquences. Non seulement la date, le lieu et l’animateur ont changé, mais il y a aussi des changements dans la liste des participantes que nous avons publiée[…]
Facilitator and Process/ Notre Facilitateur et le Processus
Our Facilitator, Father Chris Chaplin, msc and the Process of Communal Wisdom In the letter of 6 July 2021, Sr. Marife presented Father Chris Chaplin msc as the new facilitator for our 20th General Chapter.[…]