Sr Renisa, our Moderator for today, opened the meeting with a short reflection about our journey until now, reminding us that the Chapter is a time of grace. We sang in[…]
Sr Gerardine, our Moderator for today, started with a short Reflection “Know that I am God”. This was followed by singing the Ametur, while Sr Francesco lit the Chapter Candle. Then, Sr Gerardine introduced[…]
Inspirational Statement
At the beginning of this day, our Moderator, Sr Maria Teretia, invited some sisters to present a symbol of their Province as a form of prayer. Look at the creativity of our Chapter members! We[…]
Generalate Reports/Rapports du Généralat
Sr Marie Solange, our Moderator for today, opened with prayer. She said that yesterday had been a day with “lots of coffee” and she wondered what the Generalate the capitulants would serve today. The morning[…]
World Café
Sr Philippa, notre modératrice du jour, nous a invitées à commencer notre journée en ayant une prière pour la Reine Elisabeth qui a su toute sa vie cultiver les relations. Puis elle nous a demandé[…]
Fête de la Nativité de Marie/Feast of the Nativity of Mary
Aujourd’hui, Sr Renisa était la modératrice. Elle a ouvert la réunion avec une petite réflexion à l’occasion de la fête de la Nativité de Marie, réflexion écrite par Sr Marife. Après cela, le[…]
Opening of the 20th General Chapter/Ouverture du 20e Chapitre général
Today, our long-anticipated General Chapter started. At lunchtime, all the participants were present, except Sr Kathleen of the Irish Province, who will not be able to participate because of health reasons and two Kiribati Sisters,[…]
August 26 Ready to Start!/Prêtes à commencer!
Ready to Start On Friday August 26, we had our last preparation meeting for our General Chapter. One of the big advantages of having Father Chris as our Facilitator is that every preparation we started[…]